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From Seville to Lisbon: Farewells, New Beginnings, and the Challenges of Traveling

From Seville to Lisbon: Farewells, New Beginnings, and the Challenges of Traveling

It's April 22, 2024, and my heart feels heavy. After a wonderful week with Alicia in Spain, the day of farewell has come. We're sitting in a small churros bar in Seville, having breakfast together on...

Cliff Edwards - The Tragic Story of a Ukulele Superstar

Cliff Edwards - The Tragic Story of a Ukulele Superstar

You might find it hard to believe, but 100 years ago, musicians were already achieving fame and for...

Between Sea and Metropolis: My Last Leg in Spain

Between Sea and Metropolis: My Last Leg in Spain

When I wake up at 8:30 AM, the others are already awake. There's a sense of departure in the gym in...

Festival Fever in Andalusia: A Ukulele Player Goes Astray

Festival Fever in Andalusia: A Ukulele Player Goes Astray

It's 2:00 AM when we arrive in Trebujena. My Spanish friend Alicia has been driving for 6 hours fro...

An Unplanned Visit to the Museo del Prado in Madrid

An Unplanned Visit to the Museo del Prado in Madrid

After the wonderful evening at the Madrid Ukulele Club and the subsequent open mic, some quieter da...